Celebrating Father’s Day | Oscar Matthews Photography | Birmingham, AL

Celebrating Father’s Day | Oscar Matthews Photography | Birmingham, AL

I am so thankful for the family that God has given me. I told my dad that when I was younger, I couldn’t understand everything he told me to do, nor could I understand why they disciplined me in the manner that they did. At this point, nearly 30 years of age, I realize that they were ensuring I had a positive future in this world.

I’ve heard many stories from people I grew up with and new friends I’ve come to know, and I’m so thankful that I did not have the same life experiences as many of them. I can truly say my life has been blessed beyond measure. I pray I will be able to provide in the same manner in which my parents provided for me.

Today, I was shooting photos of families at church and decided to get a quick shot of my parents for Father’s Day…

Thanks Mom and Dad! Happy Father’s Day!

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